
Addressing the Dual Challenges of Cybersecurity and IT Infrastructure Management

Many businesses struggle to protect their digital assets from increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, leading to data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, organizations often lack the expertise and resources to effectively manage their IT infrastructure, resulting in downtime, inefficiencies, and missed opportunities for growth.

Empowering Businesses to Navigate Cybersecurity Challenges and IT Complexity

At Direct Business Technologies, we understand the dual challenges faced by businesses in today’s digital world. Cyber threats are evolving at an alarming rate, posing significant risks to organizations’ digital assets and operations. Meanwhile, the complexity and pace of technological advancements often leave businesses struggling to keep up, resulting in IT infrastructure vulnerabilities and operational inefficiencies.

Our comprehensive suite of managed IT services and cybersecurity solutions is specifically designed to address these challenges.

We provide proactive monitoring, maintenance, and support to ensure the security and reliability of your IT infrastructure, mitigating the risk of cyber attacks, data breaches, and downtime. Our services are adaptable and customizable to your unique industry demands, compliance framework, and operational requirements. By partnering with us, businesses can leverage our expertise and resources to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape with confidence, enabling them to focus on driving innovation, growth, and success.

New to the world of cybersecurity threats and terminology?  Cybersecurity Essentials can help!

Turning Your Biggest Risk into a Competitive Advantage

Increase trust, protect your data, customers and employees, comply with regulations

Threat Actors Leverage a Multitude of Tools to Infiltrate and Breach Businesses1

♦  45% of all breaches involve unauthorized access to systems, often via compromised credentials
♦  39% of all breaches involved application attacks
♦  36% of all breaches stem from a phishing attack

Once Inside, Threat Actors Have Multiple Ways to Inflict Significant Damage

♦  Ransomware
♦  Data theft and stolen intellectual property
♦  Business email compromise
♦  Network or system disruption

Cyberattacks Significantly Impact Employee Productivity and Morale

♦  $300K Average cost of downtime per hour2
♦  54% of employees said a cyber incident would influence working with that company3
♦  21 Days is the average downtime from a ransomware attack6

While Simultaneously Impacting Your External Brand and Reputation

♦  87% of customers are willing to take business elsewhere following a cyber incident4
♦  41% of c-suite executives named reputational damage as one of their biggest costs3
♦  11.8 Months average time to restore a business’ reputation following a breach5

1 Verizon. Data Breach Investigations Report. 2022.
2 Gartner. The Cost of Downtime.
3 Encore. The True Cost of Cyber.
4 Varonis. 86 Ransomware Statistics, Data, Trends, and Facts.
5 PwC.
6 Ponemon Institute. Reputation Impact of a Data Breach.

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